11/15 OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is when you have excessive urges to do certain actions. Even though people with OCD know that their actions don’t make sense they are usually unable to stop it. With some OCD there are big obsessions that can become harmful and last a lifetime. As in obsession with hurting oneself or others. The exact cause of this disorder is unknown, but researchers think it’s because certain areas in the brain may not respond normally to serotonin. Genetics are also important. If your parents or siblings have OCD there is a 25% another immediate family member will have it.  As most other mental disorders the treatment is either medication or therapy.



2.2 million adults are affected with OCD. 25% of cases are diagnosed by 14. 1/3 of adults’ first symptoms are in childhood. The four types of OCD are checking, Contamination / Mental Contamination, Symmetry and ordering, Ruminations / Intrusive Thoughts, and hoarding. 1 in 100 children in the U.S are affected. And 1-40 adults are affected by this disorder. Since COVID-19 has happened OCD rates have gone up and more cases have been developed. If you want to learn more about that it’s linked in this article    adaa.org/…/protecting-yourself-against-covid-19-doesnt



  1. How serious can OCD be
  2. d0es OCD lead into any other mental health issues?
  3. does OCD lead to any other health issues?

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